Okay so i just got a call canceling a meeting i had which means I've got another 15 minutes to spare. So i thought with this been a new blog and what have you i would treat you to another two great tips on how to cure insomnia naturally. They are....(drum roll please):
- Make your bedroom into an actual bedroom. That means out with the TVs, music systems and anything else that turns it into a entertainment room rather than the place were you sleep. Make your bedroom look as comfortable as possible, trying not to let too much light get into the room. it should be a place were when you walk in you feel like sleeping. Try spraying some nice fragrances around, lighting a candle or incenses, anything that promotes that feeling of calmness in you. Some people even say the way you position the furniture helps with sleep, such as sleeping with your feet pointing north will revitalize and charge up your energy for the next day. Check out better living for details on this.
- Getting up and going to bed every day at the same time helps to cure insomnia naturally by getting your mind and body into a routine. It might take a few days of feeling groggy and like one of the living dead zombies, but if you suffer from insomnia your probably used to this feeling :) (I know I was) but in the end you'll thank yourself for it and after a few months you'll be amazed when you realize you don't need that alarm clock anymore. This is because you have an internal sleep clock and when it's optimized to work as it should, it pays off in all areas of your life.